Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Living Life in (Self) Quarantine - Day 8

SO I didn't sleep well last night - I don't even know why! I knwo I was REALLY warm (Today it has been up in the 70's and as I type this it is 75 and feels like 75 with 48% hummidity) so as I type this, I I am SUPER tired - not sure how late I will be staying up tonight, espically since tomorrow I will be helping with the Food Bank - I will be bagging up food for people to pick up instead of them picking what items they want.

SO - as has been normal for the past week, I started out the morning livestreaming with Mamma Mouse from Meyrs and the Mouse and we chatted about cleaning and sanititzing - THRILLING!! LOL

Today was payday for me from the school so I picked up some meat at the grocery store and then we went to Dollar General and I picked up some eggs and they were ALMOST $3.00 for ONE DOZEN EGGS!!!! THAT'S NUTS!! (But I went ahead and bought my dozen eggs becuase I needed them)

When I got home from the store and put away groceries I watched some more YouTube and then it was time to film a video and make dinner!!! (Be watching for the Progressive Meal Collab created by LadyJamers on YouTube and involving several other great channels!)

Once Sam was home from work, we took our dinner to the park to have a picnic....ONLY TO FIND that ALL of the picnic tables have been REMOVED from the Park!!! *Que Sad Music Here*

So Sam and I sat in the truck and chatted and had our dinner and enjoyed the wonderful weather.

After the park, we came home and we just are relaxing for the rest of the evening!

Day's Menu:
Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - Velveeta Shells and Cheese Cup
Dinner - Crosant Dog using Polish Sausage's and Hot Dogs with Pretzels and Dr. Pepper

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