Friday, March 20, 2020

Living Life in (Self) Quarantine - Day 3

Well, today has been productive in a FUN way!

I woke up at about 8:30 and instantly sent off messages to Dis our Dream, Kenzie Days, and Meyers and the Mouse - Do you want to Play? Which has now become our code for "Ready to Livestream?"

An HOUR into the stream, I was hit by the "YouTube Bots" and the stream was removed - GRRR - I have appealed it and we will see how long it takes to come back up. * As of this blog post, the appeal has not gone through - I will update IF and WHEN it goes back up* So we started a second stream, but I wasn't really feeling it and everyone else had some other things to do so we ended it after about an hour again - its SUPER deperssing to have a live taken down, but we have all been made aware of it and they are taking care of it so I'm not concerned - just annoyed!

I have been invited to be part of a crafting collab using ONLY what we have on hand - it is being called the Quarantine Craft Party and there are 31 Channels that are participating! THAT IS ALOT! And apparently there is a winner at the end of it - maybe a virtual hug? So I had Sam get my embroidery work out of the storage room and have been working on that all day (Check my Instagram for photos of the progress!)

Dinner Tonight:

Baked Potato with Butter/Sour Cream

Since I can NOT handle toucing raw meat, Sam put together the meatloaf when he got home for me. I LOVE that Man! He is fantastic to me!!He put it all together and even cleaned the potatoes and wrapped them in foil for me!

Meatloaf Recipe - Follow the Seasoning Packet from McCormic Seasonings - no joke - that is my recipe - its SUPER simple and turns out FANTSTIC!
My ONLY addition is that when the meatloaf has ABOUT a 1/2 hour left to bake, I pour Spaghetti Sauce all over the top of the meatloaf and let it run down the sides and then let it finish cooking - it is a great way to use up those couple of jars in the back of your fridge!

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