Wow - was it ONLY 1 week ago that I was up at Fort Riley with my dad running errands?
Today officially at 8AM all of the "non esential" businesses had to close - even the park!
Right after I became a Travel Agent - all of the "crazy" started happening, so alot of the things I had booked were cancelled ( let's be honest, they were all things that were personal trips)
BUT - I had been chatting via youtube chat with someone who then contacted me to be their travel agent! I was THRILLED!!! I have booke only 1 other thing for someone else (she is a friend) but this is the first time that I did something for someone I truely don't know! I was over the moon!!
SO I was trying to livestream with Mamma Mouse and she was having tech problems, so I told her I woudl steram on MY channel for awhile until she got it figured out. By the time THAT happened, it was time for Sam's lunch so I chatted with him, then I chatted with my friend Jessica, I jumped back into mamma stream but then Brandy and Gi went live, so we all went over there.
I used the time that I WASN"T in a livestream to get several videos done for the channel! I feel SO accomplished with all that I got done today!
Breakfast - Nothing
Lunch - OOPS! I was busy and forgot!
Dinner - Marinated Chicken Tenders with Baked Potato and CHoclate Chip Cookies
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