Sunday, March 15, 2020

Grocery Stockup #2 & 3 - Trip to Newton, KS - COVID-19

So on Friday, March 13th, I decided that I needed to make a Walmart and Dillons trip before people starting getting REALLY crazy so I called my dad to take me (since I don't drive and Sam was at work) - he grumbled about it, but we went.

At Walmart, I took pictures along the way (I made a video that will be up at some point) and it was WIPED OUT!! I was able to pick up a few more protein/meat items, some cleaning stuff, and other MISC items.

I spent $52.17 and picked up the following:

* GV Cleaner
* Toliet Bowl Cleaner
* (3) Bottles of Softsoap (we were legit out at home - not hording)
* Pads
* Bar S Hot Links
* Bar S Smoked Sausages
* Loaf Ham
* (2) Boxes of Fudgey Brownie Mix
* 1 Case of Water

We were able to get in and out fairly quickly all things considering.

Walmart was WIPED OUT of Toliet paper, wipes, etc... it was 100% insane!

We left Walmart and headed to Dillon on North Main.
Dad stayed in the vehicle (I think I was anoying him by this point of my photo taking)

To my plesent supprise, it wasn't as empty as the photos that I had seen the night before. Apparently they had recived an emergancy truck overnight and were  able to stock up the shelves.

I spent $8.83 and picked up

*1 Small Box of Reguar Minute Rice
*1 Small Box of Brown Minute Rice
*(4) Small blocks of Cheese

They had TONS of pallettes of items like paper towels, cases of water, and some toliet paper that they were working on stocking the shelves with - the WONDERFUL thing was that there was no pushing, no shoving, noone was taking a ton of items, etc....

I made it home and then Sam and I enjoyed the evening just watching some Big Bang Theory on Hulu Plus

I'll see you in the Theme Parks~ ~~LEna - PSV

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