Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Living Life in (Self) Quarantine - Day 8

SO I didn't sleep well last night - I don't even know why! I knwo I was REALLY warm (Today it has been up in the 70's and as I type this it is 75 and feels like 75 with 48% hummidity) so as I type this, I I am SUPER tired - not sure how late I will be staying up tonight, espically since tomorrow I will be helping with the Food Bank - I will be bagging up food for people to pick up instead of them picking what items they want.

SO - as has been normal for the past week, I started out the morning livestreaming with Mamma Mouse from Meyrs and the Mouse and we chatted about cleaning and sanititzing - THRILLING!! LOL

Today was payday for me from the school so I picked up some meat at the grocery store and then we went to Dollar General and I picked up some eggs and they were ALMOST $3.00 for ONE DOZEN EGGS!!!! THAT'S NUTS!! (But I went ahead and bought my dozen eggs becuase I needed them)

When I got home from the store and put away groceries I watched some more YouTube and then it was time to film a video and make dinner!!! (Be watching for the Progressive Meal Collab created by LadyJamers on YouTube and involving several other great channels!)

Once Sam was home from work, we took our dinner to the park to have a picnic....ONLY TO FIND that ALL of the picnic tables have been REMOVED from the Park!!! *Que Sad Music Here*

So Sam and I sat in the truck and chatted and had our dinner and enjoyed the wonderful weather.

After the park, we came home and we just are relaxing for the rest of the evening!

Day's Menu:
Breakfast - Coffee
Lunch - Velveeta Shells and Cheese Cup
Dinner - Crosant Dog using Polish Sausage's and Hot Dogs with Pretzels and Dr. Pepper

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Living Life in (Self) Quarantine Day 7

Wow - was it ONLY 1 week ago that I was up at Fort Riley with my dad running errands?

Today officially at 8AM all of the "non esential" businesses had to close - even the park!

Right after I became a Travel Agent - all of the "crazy" started happening, so alot of the things I had booked were cancelled ( let's be honest, they were all things that were personal trips)

BUT - I had been chatting via youtube chat with someone who then contacted me to be their travel agent! I was THRILLED!!! I have booke only 1 other thing for someone else (she is a friend) but this is the first time that I did something for someone I truely don't know! I was over the moon!!

SO I was trying to livestream with Mamma Mouse and she was having tech problems, so I told her I woudl steram on MY channel for awhile until she got it figured out. By the time THAT happened, it was time for Sam's lunch so I chatted with him, then I chatted with my friend Jessica, I jumped back into mamma stream but then Brandy and Gi went live, so we all went over there.

I used the time that I WASN"T in a livestream to get several videos done for the channel! I feel SO accomplished with all that I got done today!

Breakfast - Nothing
Lunch - OOPS! I was busy and forgot!
Dinner - Marinated Chicken Tenders with Baked Potato and CHoclate Chip Cookies

Monday, March 23, 2020

Livin Live in (Self) Qarantine Day 6

Monday has been an awesome day so far! (and its only 2:50PM!)

I woke up to a message from Mamma Mouse from Meyers and the Mouse (Make sure to check out their channel on YouTube!) asking if I wanted to play - AKA - Livestream!

Livestreamed with Mamma for about 3 hours, had a great lunch, then livestreamed for a little longer before Mamma had some other things to get accomlished.

BUT I got alot accomplished as well!

I got 2 video's filmed, edited, and uploaded and ready for your viewing pleasure!

Today's Menu

Breakfast - I was livestreaming - LOL
Lunch - Velveeta Shells and Cheese & an apple with Caramel Sauce
Dinner: Baked Steaks with Loaded Potato Au Grain Casserole

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Living Life in (Self) Quarantine - Day 4 & 5

Well today is Saturday - on any other Saturday (normally) Sam would be at work already. (It's 8:30am CST) but they have went to a 50hr Work Week instead of 60hr. So we were able to Sleep In! So - Naturally - we were both away by 7:30 this AM.

I jumped into streamyards to teach someone how to use it for their vitrual scrapbooking crop (Make sure to Check out Scrappydoit on Facebook!) followed by my Saturday morning Livestreams that I watch!

Alll the while - I am STILL working on my neelepoint! (#quarntinecraftparty on youtube and instagram)


Saturday Recap on Sunday!

Well, yesterday didn't end up going has I had planned - in 100% a good way!

Sam decided to take a nap, and I figured that was a great idea! NAPS FOR ALL!

So about 2:30, my mom called and asked if we wanted to play cards and have dinner. SURE!
So we got up and around and headed over to my parents house (they live about 15 minutes away)

It was a wonderful evening full of fun!

Saturday Menu:
Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: OYO
Dinner: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce W/Bread and Butter at Mom and Dads



Sunday is livestream day (on my NORMAL schedule - but I guess we need to define what exactly is normal now a day

at 11AM CST was Craft and Chat with Meyers and the Mouse, Kenzie Days, T Marie Photography, Perfectly Kat and Myself

after that was over, I took the time to film a quick video for the #rainbowscavengerhunt (up tomorrow) and work on my #quarantinecraftparty craft and video (up on thursday the 26th)

at 3PM CST was Sunday Nerd Chat - Lord of the Rings Movie 1 Part 1 - my internet started going CRAZY through the whole stream so it would kick me out, i would go back in, I would get kicked out AGAIN! UGGG!!!!!!

So at an hour, I called that stream over and worked on my needlepoint somemore - I NEEDED the stress releif!

5PM CST was my regular scheudled personal livestream - just to chat and talk about randomness which is fun and always relaxing.

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Bakable Pizza
Dinner: Leftovers/OYO

Friday, March 20, 2020

Living Life in (Self) Quarantine - Day 3

Well, today has been productive in a FUN way!

I woke up at about 8:30 and instantly sent off messages to Dis our Dream, Kenzie Days, and Meyers and the Mouse - Do you want to Play? Which has now become our code for "Ready to Livestream?"

An HOUR into the stream, I was hit by the "YouTube Bots" and the stream was removed - GRRR - I have appealed it and we will see how long it takes to come back up. * As of this blog post, the appeal has not gone through - I will update IF and WHEN it goes back up* So we started a second stream, but I wasn't really feeling it and everyone else had some other things to do so we ended it after about an hour again - its SUPER deperssing to have a live taken down, but we have all been made aware of it and they are taking care of it so I'm not concerned - just annoyed!

I have been invited to be part of a crafting collab using ONLY what we have on hand - it is being called the Quarantine Craft Party and there are 31 Channels that are participating! THAT IS ALOT! And apparently there is a winner at the end of it - maybe a virtual hug? So I had Sam get my embroidery work out of the storage room and have been working on that all day (Check my Instagram for photos of the progress!)

Dinner Tonight:

Baked Potato with Butter/Sour Cream

Since I can NOT handle toucing raw meat, Sam put together the meatloaf when he got home for me. I LOVE that Man! He is fantastic to me!!He put it all together and even cleaned the potatoes and wrapped them in foil for me!

Meatloaf Recipe - Follow the Seasoning Packet from McCormic Seasonings - no joke - that is my recipe - its SUPER simple and turns out FANTSTIC!
My ONLY addition is that when the meatloaf has ABOUT a 1/2 hour left to bake, I pour Spaghetti Sauce all over the top of the meatloaf and let it run down the sides and then let it finish cooking - it is a great way to use up those couple of jars in the back of your fridge!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Living Life In (Self) Quarantine - Days 1 & 2

So Yesterday, (Wednesday) the 18th was my first official day in Self Quarantine. I have asthma and a low immunity system so I am Self Quarantine for the time being. It has really given me time to get back to some of the things that I really enjoy doing - like cooking/baking.

I have also started being in livestreams first thing in the morning about 9AM until around Noon.
Yesterday I streamed with Kenzie from Kenzie Days and Abby from Dis Our Dream.

Yesterday, Here was our Dinner Menu:

Baked Loaf Ham (Baked with Whole Cloves)
Roasted Garlic Potatoes
Cranberry Jelly
Cheddar Garlic Biscuits

Roasted Garlic Potatoes Recipe
1lb of baby potatoes cut in 1/2 - if some of them are bigger, cut them in 1/4's
Olive Oil (enough to coat the potatoes)
Perfered Seasoings - I used Salt & Pepepr plus a Garlic and Parsley Seasoning

**The recipe I took this from stated to mix in a bowl, however, I have found that a bowl tends to miss some of the potatoes, so I used zipeper bags which allow me to shake all of the potatoes into the oilve oil and seasonings which allows them all to be coated.**

Preheat the oven to 400 Degrees. Bake potatoes in an even layer for about 1 hour - keep an eye on them - depending on the size, they can take a little longer or a little shorter amount of time.

These come out SO Crispy and Good - much better than store bought frozen potatoes - if you have never tried to roast your own, you are missing out - this time of Social Distancing is a great time to try some new things!

Sam Gave Dinner 10/10

We cut about 1/3 to have for our dinner last night, and then I gave 1/3 to my parents for their dinner. That leaves 1/3 for dinner tonight!


This monring (Thursday) I was on a stream with Mamma Mouse from Meyers and the Mouse, plus did a 30 minute livestream on my own channel.

I have been working on housecleaning in the afternoons after I livestream - trying to create balance between the "fun stuff" and the "chores" - which is something that I need to find ANYWAY - this time of "self quarantine" is really helping me keep on track with that.

Yesterday, I worked in our bedroom, and worked on our pantry. I am cleaning out, reorganizing, cataloging what we DO have, etc...

Today, I have been working in my craft space and trying to find some organization in THAT mess - I don't think that a crafting space is something that is EVER fully straightened up!

For dinner tonight we are having:

Leftover Ham
Roasted Potatoes
Honey Glazed Carrots

** this recipe is taken from the recipe at**

I made some of my own tweaks to the recipe (which is what you do ANYWAY to a recipe) and I did 3TBS of Butter instead of 2 and I used my own seasonings instead of the seasonings that they suggested.

I am (currently while typing this) letting them marinade for awhile - they will be SO GOOD! (the marinade is WONDERFUL - I of COURSE had to lick the fork that I used to combine everything)
I am just turing it over randomly and shaking it around to make sure all of the carrots are evenly coated to make sure that they all get all the good yummyness


So what are my plans going forward?

I am going to TRY to update this blog on a daily basis at SOMEPOINT in the day - It will probably be in the afternoons roughly about 2:30/3:00 PM.

Be Safe, Wash your Hands, if you are sick, PLEASE stay home!

Love to you all

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Grocery Stockup #2 & 3 - Trip to Newton, KS - COVID-19

So on Friday, March 13th, I decided that I needed to make a Walmart and Dillons trip before people starting getting REALLY crazy so I called my dad to take me (since I don't drive and Sam was at work) - he grumbled about it, but we went.

At Walmart, I took pictures along the way (I made a video that will be up at some point) and it was WIPED OUT!! I was able to pick up a few more protein/meat items, some cleaning stuff, and other MISC items.

I spent $52.17 and picked up the following:

* GV Cleaner
* Toliet Bowl Cleaner
* (3) Bottles of Softsoap (we were legit out at home - not hording)
* Pads
* Bar S Hot Links
* Bar S Smoked Sausages
* Loaf Ham
* (2) Boxes of Fudgey Brownie Mix
* 1 Case of Water

We were able to get in and out fairly quickly all things considering.

Walmart was WIPED OUT of Toliet paper, wipes, etc... it was 100% insane!

We left Walmart and headed to Dillon on North Main.
Dad stayed in the vehicle (I think I was anoying him by this point of my photo taking)

To my plesent supprise, it wasn't as empty as the photos that I had seen the night before. Apparently they had recived an emergancy truck overnight and were  able to stock up the shelves.

I spent $8.83 and picked up

*1 Small Box of Reguar Minute Rice
*1 Small Box of Brown Minute Rice
*(4) Small blocks of Cheese

They had TONS of pallettes of items like paper towels, cases of water, and some toliet paper that they were working on stocking the shelves with - the WONDERFUL thing was that there was no pushing, no shoving, noone was taking a ton of items, etc....

I made it home and then Sam and I enjoyed the evening just watching some Big Bang Theory on Hulu Plus

I'll see you in the Theme Parks~ ~~LEna - PSV

Grocery Stockup #1 - COVID-19

So, on Thursday the 12th of March, Sam and I were talking about grocery shopping on Saturday evening, and then we starting to look at Facebook and were seeing that stores were starting to run out of the essentials, so we made the decision to run to the local grocery store and get our shopping done, and I'm SO GLAD that we made that decision!

We spent $160.04 at Carlson's Grocery in Marion, KS and we were able to get a good assortment of things, including

* 1 PK of Toliet Paper
* 2 Cases of Bottled Water
* (3) 1 Gallon Bottles of Bottled Water for our Keurig
* Tortillia's
* Frozen Soft Pretzels
* Cereal
* 18 CT Eggs
* Unsweetwened Vanillia Almond Milk
* (3) Tony's Pizza
* (2) Family Size Boxes of Cheese-Its
* (4) Boxes of Jiffy Cornbread Mix
* Pickles
* Chuck Roast
* (2) Ham Steaks
* Cat Food (dry)
* Paper Towels
* Foam Plates
* Paper Plates
* Trash Bags
* (2) Boxes of Klennex Tissues
* Cat Litter
* Apples
* Carmel for Apples
* 10LB Bag of Potatoes

LOTS of great meals are able to be made from these groceries, plus we are stocked up on items not only for us but our kitty as well!

Welcome! I'm Glad Your Here!


Welcome to the Blog Component for the YouTube Channel of Paper, Scissors, and Vacations, OH MY!

Sometimes, I like to write out my thoughts instead of posting a video, so I figured, HEY! I will give you a day to day look into my thoughts....whether or not that will be a scary thing or not.....

See you in the Crafting Isle!

~~Lena, PSV