Thursday, April 2, 2020

This is all Causing Alot of Stress - Take a DEEP BREATH - Don't Say Something You Don't Mean

SO - FYI - If you are living under a rock - there is this COVID-19 going on in the world - and to be honest - it's driving everyone pretty nuts.

Along with the usual workplace stress, if you have been deemed "Essential" you now have a secondary stress: Will I bring it Home to my loved ones?

Here are a few tips to help relieve this stress. 

#1 - Have a plan - While on a NORMAL day, if you come home, you may sit down, relax, eat, then jump in the shower. If you are Essential - maybe change up your routine - Try this: Come home - throw your clothes in the laundry / washer depending on your home (we have to either go to a laundrymat or to my parents to do laundry - our house doesn't have hookups) shower right away, and then spend time with your loved ones. This will take the stress away that you are carrying germs on your body or clothing.

#2 - Go on a walk. Something I remember from Sam's Active Duty Days was that when we were in WA State, they had everyone taking Vitamin D becuase there wasn't alot of sun and you need sun to flourish - like a flower. So take a family walk - remember to be 6ft away from any other family that is also out doing the same thing. You won't realize how much better you feel after you take a walk!

#3 - Just have some family time! Try to leave your fears at the door of your home - once you enter - take the precauations that you can and then try to relax! Grab out a puzzle, board game, etc...! Try to relax and enjoy the family time

We are all under stress - something small may spiral out of control becuase of it.

For Example: Sam asked me what was for dinner tonight - I said that when he got off work he could grab a PF CHangs dinner out of the freezer and I would it (We have several and I didn't know which one would sound best) - he then got upset and asked why I coudlnt' get it - I reponded that I COULD I just didn't know which one would appeal to him - and we were OFF to the races! It snowballed and commenced an argument over messenger - we both had to step away - #1 becuase we both needed to get back to the things we were doing; he needed to get back to work and I needed to get back to housework - but #2 is that we didn't want to say something out of stress that we really didn't mean. It's the same theory as saying something out of anger - you need to take a step back and look at the situation. 

As things are only getting started here in Kansas - I know we have a long way to go with more stressfull moments to come - I know that it's going to happen - it just is and I have to be able to roll with them.

But when in doubt - Say I'm Sorry - and never go to bed angry or with a misunderstanding inbetween - whether its a spouse, child, friend, neighbor, family member, etc...

Stay Safe and Wash Your Hands

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