Monday, April 13, 2020

I'm Really Bad a Blogging....

So I've learned something.

I'm REALLY BAD at Blogging!

I kinda forgot I was working on this!!

Last week was kinda Insane - I learned ALOT about people and their intentions towards me and my channel, and I really learned who my friends are. It was a sad week for me, but I am STRONG - I will rise above.

SO - last week was intersting to say the least. 
I'm hoping that this week is SO MUCH BETTER!

Yesterday was Easter - it as a WERID DAY to say the least - typically we would be with family after Church Service. We streamed Church online and then Sam worked on making some homemade salsa and homemade pasta/pizza sauce.

I'm telling you - You could ward off Vampires with the smell of garlic that is STILL in my house! (Not that its a BAD smell, but serisouly? Over 24 hours later?? You would think it had disapiated!)

So another thing that has me sad is that my April and June trips are officially cancelled. I was running/walking my first 5K for the StarWars 5K in Memory of my Brother AND for Give Kids the World (I did raise my $100.00!!)

After some discusion and planning and CHANGES of plans, I have now made some (HOPEFULLY) final plans for a September trip - I will be going in Mid- September for the opening of HHN30 - I am VERY excited about this, but slighty sad that Sam will not be going with me - He won't be able to take off the time from work. 

So - In Recap

I'm Bad at Blogging
I'm NOT goign to be in Disney this week - next week - or the week after
My House Wards off Vampires

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