Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Day Where the Scale Was My Friend

So I am working on loosing weight - It is NOT the easiest thing in the world to do! Espcially when you don't have a working scare and are trying to guestimate your weight!

So I went with 305 as a starting weight, knowing it could be too high or too low - but it was a start.

Yesterday, we went to Walmart (Well Sam went in Walmart - I stayed in the truck) and I asked him to pick me up a sale.

This morning - it was the moment of truth!

I couldnt weigh mysef in my house becuase its all carpet and the floor is uneven - so Picture this - me in my PJ's going outside with a scale on my sidewalk - I kid you not!


I actually weighed in at 301.6! I will take it!!

Heres to healthy eating, walks with the hubby, and a goal of 250 by vacation!!


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