Monday, September 21, 2020

Book Review: The Titanic Sisters by Patricia Falvey

 *Disclaimer* I have received this book free of charge for the sole purpose of writing a book review. I received the book through direct from the publisher.

When I first looked at the title - I THOUGHT I knew how the book was going to go: Two Sisters board The Titanic - one doesn’t make it, the other assumes her identity.....and that DOES how it seems to start...

Two Sisters - Delia & Nora live in the small town of Donegal, Ireland. The book begins in the year of 1911 where you meet these two women - who couldn’t be more different if they tried. Delia loves the land and her “Da” (Father) and had a very difficult relationship with her “Ma” (Mother) - Delia was a twin and her bother died at birth and Ma believes that Delia is a changing (a fairy baby) and treats her very badly - you wouldn’t even believe she was her daughter if it didn’t specifically say so in the book. Nora, the older sister is DOTED on by Ma - only the finest of everything will do. Here is the “2020 Breakdown” - Nora is part of the Popular Crowd, while Delia is part of the Loser Crowd. 

At the beginning of the book , a letter arrives for Ma from America - which is a VERY big deal. The letter states that a cousin has passed away leaving behind a husband and young daughter. The husband is looking for a Governess for the young girl. (A Governess is like a Nanny) Ma is ECSTATIC - the gentleman has sent a ticket for first class passage the following April onboard the Titanic. Ma of course puts Nora ahead of Delia, even though of the two sisters, Nora has problems with school work and Delia is the more scholarly of the two due to her time spent in books. Delia leaves the home and goes to the fields, where Da finds her and asks if she wants to go to America. Of course she tells him yes and he contacts the local Parish Father who finds her work as a servant at a home in America in New York City, and then sells the first class ticket for two tickets in steerage. This INFURIATES Ma and Nora who think that Delia is trying to sabotage this opportunity For Nora.

Finally the time to board the Titanic has arrived. Delia and Nora board The Titanic where they both are headed to start new lives. Nora - who will live in luxury and Delia - who will become a servant. (But really, for Delia, isn’t it the same as being at home, just a different atmosphere?)

Their journey is easy, up until that fateful last day.

Nora has many admirers on the ship, including one of the First Class Stewards who takes Nora up to have breakfast on the first class deck before anyone else really is awake. She then goes back down to lay in her room . Delia hears a strange noice, and all at once Robert (the First Class Steward) is there with lifejackets and is ushering them up to the lifeboats - telling them there isn’t enough to save everyone and to get into one now! Nora rushes off with Robert while Delia has the presence of self to grab her small bag that has their identity papers along with some money in it. 

So here is where the sisters end up separating in the story.

It seems that Fate is trying to help Delia and correct the wrong that was made. (Because really, Delia should have been the first thought for Governess, not Nora)

After a series of events, Nora is presumed dead and Delia is taken aboard The Carpathia. A Kindly steward tells her to tell the man when leaving that she was in second class so that she didn't’ have to stay longer on the ship. She by-passes the sign that has her name on it, instead going to tell Nora’s employer of her demise, but says that SHE is Nora. 

Unknown to Delia, Nora IS saved, however she is injured and she has no memory of who she is/was/family, etc... AKA - She has Amnesia along with her mind blocking out the terror of the events that happened with the sinking of The Titanic.

While Delia is settling into the life that was not supposed to be hers, (or really, was it??) Nora is dealing with no memory but learning so much, thanks to her rescuer, Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Shaw is a widow who has taken Nora on as her current cause, and Nora starts to learn that there is more in the universe and world than herself.

The situation takes a turn when Delia is found NOT to be Nora and Nora makes the decision to go to Ireland. 

Delia ends up staying on as Lily’s Governess ONLY because Lily speaks! (She has been mute since the death of her mother) and heads to Texas where the family has a home due to being in the Oil Business.

Nora has returned home to Ireland where she is welcomed by her Da and Ma, and Ma has 5000+ questions for her. 

After awhile, Nora goes back to New York in search of her sister, when she is recruited by Lily’s Grandfather in a huge oil scheme. 

Want to find out how it ends?? You will have to read the book!!

The book releases on January 26th, 2021!

Sunday, September 20, 2020

In Collaboration wtih The Pickup Line in Hillsboro, KS

 I am Proud to Annouce that I am Officially in Collarboation with

The Pickup Line in Hillsboro, KS!

    This was NOT something that I was expecting when I walked in yesterday to grab dinner - NOT at all! I have done a little mini series (that is still in progress - there are a few more places I want to video that are just opening up) and I included The Pickup Line. I did a tour and a mini food review. They LOVED IT!! The owner put it on their official facebook page and it gained me ALOT of views on that video - I think its in my top 5 over all since I started the channel last July!

    So I was thanking the owner's mom for the kind words when Analisa (she co-owns the restaruant with her husband) came out and approached me about doing food reviews/photos/etc... in exchange for free food! Umm...YES PLEASE! So instead of taking it home, Sam and I sat in the restaruant, did the food review, and rolled out. It felt like we had just eating a Thanksgiving Dinner we were so full!!

If you haven't had a chance to see the video yet, here it is! The Pickup Line - Bento Box Review!

There will be more videos coming up in this series and they have their own little playlist on the channel!

Thank you to The Pickup Line and to the DeFiesta Family for this amazing opportunity!

WOW! It's Been Awhile!!

 WOW! It's been awhile since I have done any blogging!! To be honest, I had forgotten I WAS blogging for the Channel!!

Alot has happened since my last post - Sam's job went to 3 days a week, but paid for 4, so he was home Friday - Monday, and worked Tuesday-Thursday - it was SO CONFUSING for awhile!! THAT is what probably threw me off since it was abotu that time that I stopped blogging!

School was postponed for starting, and it just started back on the 9th of this month (which is also my birthday) - since i am a substitue, I kinda figured that I would be called that day - nope - they gave me my birthday off but called me the next day - its been BUSY for me ever since!

There is alot going on behind the scenes that I can't tell you about quite yet - things are still being worked on and sorted out, but you WILL get to know as soon as they are!!