Friday, October 16, 2020

Book Review - Wine Tastings Are Murder - a Poppy McAllister Mystery - by Libby Klein

  *Disclaimer: I have been provided this book free of charge by the publisher Kensington Publishing for the sole purpose of reading and reviewing this book for, along with my YouTube Channel as well as this blog. All reviews are completely my own thoughts and opinions*

Libby Klein has some AMAZING opening lines.

For Example - this is is the opening line for this book:

Kale Frittata is proof that I’ll eat anything if it has enough cheese in it.”

I don’t know about you, but that cracks me up, and as someone who is trying to loose weight, I RESONATE with that!

Poppy is currently departing  a delema that most girls would be THRILLED about - 2 men are competing for her affections - it makes me think of a medieval princess in a tower or Maid Marian at the competition. When we meet up with Poppy at the beginning of the book, she is trying to get her body in “Lingire Shape” which I think that most of us ladies can relate to. 

Poppy, along with her Aunt GInny, have been remodeling their home into a bed and breakfast, which is called the Butterfly Wings B&B. Have you every stayed in an B&B? I have not, but it is on my bucket list!

When Poppy gets home from her workout, Aunt Ginny and Figero (Poppy’s Cat) are celebrating that the cleaning lady has not only quit working for them, but retired from cleaning all together. Knowing Aunt Ginny’s can ONLY wonder what she did to the poor lady to make her retire COMPLETELY! This stresses our Poppy becuase they have people coming to the B&B for a Wine TOur and weekends leading up to the Memoral Day Weekend.

Poppy has a busy day ahead of her - she is going to Tim’s Restaurant, Maxine’s (Now - Tim is not only her ex-high school sweetheart, but one of her current suiters) to make Nutella Creme Brûlée and Pina Colaeda Cake for him to serve. After greeting Tim, they head to the kitchen where there is a mock-fight going on about sports. (I am not a huge sports person - i just don’t see the point in it) Tim has gotten her a present! Her own pink Chef’s Coat!! Like all women who worry about their weight, she has the mantra going through her head saying that is not going to fit, and she is mostly correct - its a little tight over “the girls” and she considers unpadding her bra...but wants to be a little “farther out” than her tummy is - LOL

After a busy day making all kinds of sweets and treats and worrying at the same time (we women are good multi-tankers) she heads home to conduct new maid interviews and she finds that her worry’s are not in vain. Aunt Ginny is trying to “drill Sargent” the 6 applicants she has find and they are all sitting on the count in various degrees of terrified ness. (Yes - I am officially making that a word). WHen Aunt Ginny asks if anyone wants to leave - 5 of the 6 run for the hills. Not going to lie - if I had been in that house, I would have headed for the hills myself if given the option! 

We fast forward a few days, and we find that Poppy has overslept and is running late to make pastry’s at the La Dolce Vita Espresso Bar. She walks in, and Gia is not waiting for her like normal; he is with a younger girl (another redhead) named Sierra and she is going to be working in the espresso shop as well. Poppy developers a pretty sour attitude and heads to the kitchen area that she has deemed “the lair” to make some Paleo Blueberry Scores. Gia eventually brings her her daily latte and tells her that Sierra needs some more practice and that he didn’t want her to have to wait all day. 

Poppy is feeling Jealous, even though really, she hasn’t staked a claim officially on Gia. She finishes making some cookies (the macadamia nuts were almost decimated in the course of this) and heads to the bathroom to “freshen up” - she has officially declared war.

Poppy now has to play “Lady of the Manor” for her B&B for a newlywed couple so she rushes home, cleanse up, and they (Poppy, Aunt Ginny, and FIgero) are lined up in the entry way waiting to invite them in. Poppy is expecting a pair of 20somethings, but finds a Middle-Aged Man with a MUCH younger bride! 

Well, the problems have just started for poor Poppy. Aunt Ginny has made a change to the website so that it states :Pet Friendly” and the newlyweds have brought along their Pom, which Figero is NOT ok with! 

Poppy is at her wits end and she has just offered to show the new couple to their room when Aunt Ginny set’s off her new Alexa and it is telling her what a “Golddigger” is - OMG - I started CRACKING UP at that while reading!!

So a little while later, 2 people show up, and it ends up that it’s Vince (the groom) children!! Can you saw Awkward??? So while she is trying to figure out how to handle this NEWEST crisis, Sunny (the bride) arrives and is trying to figure out what is going on, but when Vince asks that, Ryan (Vince’s son-in-law) says it was all Sunny’s Idea!! Umm..........#weirdfamilyvacation (No ages of Vince’s daughter or bride are given until later in the book, but it is revealed that Alyce; Vince’s daughter was a year AHEAD of the new bride in school and they were enemys even in school.......)

So FINALLY, its time for the wine tasting portion of our day.... I’m sure that Poppy is wondering if she is even in the SAME DAY that she started with with all of the drama that has happened!!  Poppy’s friend Kim, who owns Laughing Gull Winery has arrived!! Kim informers Poppy (while snitching food while Poppy is trying to wash maple syrup out of Fig’s fur) that Lilly (who is in charge of the wine tour) will be arriving in about 15 minutes and that she isn’t allowed to pour wine until Daniel is there to talk about the nuances of wine....I just feel for Poppy at this moment. 

So finally, Poppy is bringing food into the room, and there are 4 total couples on the tour with Lilly Snow from the Pink Sandals Boutique Tours, and they have all finally arrived. They spend a few minutes intruding themselves to the group, and then the tasting starts. 

After some stressful beginnings, between the good food that Poppy has prepared and the wine that is flowing, people are starting to mellow out (is it ok that I’m kinda thankful on behalf of a book character??)

After the tasting is over (with promises of extra tastings the following day due to Daniel’s delay) everyone goes their separate ways to dinner....and we get some more drama.......Daniel is KISSING Alyce Finch behind the garage.......umm.....WTH??? The following morning, Poppy is NOT wanting to wake up since the drama has continued until 2AM!! (Maybe I DON”T want to stay at a B& that where people go to air their dirty laundry?) To make the day even BETTER to start with (is there enough scarcam there?) she has a text from Gia that Sierra has an idea for a muffin....Poppy just CAN’T catch a break and its not even 7AM yet. 

So after breakfast, Poppy is out with her friend Sawyer getting supplies and she gets a phone call from Kim out at the Laughing Gull of the tour guests is DEAD!!!

Care to take a guess of which one it was...........

Yup - it is our friendly neighborhood newlywed groom Vince Baker!!

So when they arrive, everything is in chaos. Apparently Vince has had a heartattack and traumatized everyone on the tour......or was it a heartattack?????

The police arrive on the scene shortly after Poppy and Sawyer and Poppy’s archenemy from high school who is now local police has arrived - Amber. 

Amber confronts Poppy asking if she was part of the wine tour and she sates that no that she arrived after he has passed away and then Amber accuses Poppy of contaminating her crime scene....wait. I thought this was a heart attack?? Now its a crime scene?? What is going on here??

The funny thing about enemy’s - sometimes you are emery’s, sometimes you aren’t. Amber is actually, in MY option, NICE to Poppy! She tells Poppy that there were some questionable finding by the paramedics and so it was called in. Poppy’s first thought is of the new widow, while Amber is pointing out that most of the time the widow has done it....thought she isnt’ sure about Sunny in this instance. 

SO finally, the police gather everyone and tell them that anyone that is not on the tour is free to leave, but the rest of them have to stay in the area in case they have any other questions - typical for a murder investigation but not a heart attack! 

As everyoene leaves, Kim PLEADS with Sawyer and Poppy to figure how what happened - she has cashed in her 401K that her husband doesn’t know about and if the winery goes under, they will have nothing!!

OS when they get3 home, Aunt Ginny of course wants to be involved and Poppy is trying to Duane her from it. You know that excentric aunt that you have that wants to be 15 instead of 59?? that is how I imanige Aunt Ginny!

Sunny has arrived back at the B&B and is at this point sad and numb - she said that Ryan and Alyce have been horrible to her and after he was dead, Ryan was in contact with lawyers to contest the will - and I agree with Sunny’s question - how do THEY know what. Is in the will when Sunny doenst even know what is in it?? Hum........

The police then show up and want to search Vinny and Sunny’s room - Poopy wants a search warrant but Sunny ok’s it, so he searches the room and her purse and takes some pills that he says will be returned later....hum.....wat COULD the police have found!!!

So awhile later, Poppy is back at home and in the pantry to check on peaches to make breakfast the following morning and she overhears the Finches talking about the will - Ryan also makes this comment  

It might be our only option. You’re in line to get everything if she is gone.”


SO Office Amber shows up shortly after with more questions for Sunny. After questioning her, she calls Poppy into the room and once again confides in her about the case - I’m REALLY confused about this personally since I’ve read the other books and she does NOT like Poppy - its like the “Popular” kids in high school all of the sudden likening me and wanting to hang out with em - SO not going to happen....WHAT is Amber’s agenda under all of this....?

SO Who is the Murderer> Is it the Young Widow? The Son-In-Law? The angry Daughter? Or is it someone that you would never expect??

To find out, you will need to grab a copy of Wine Tastings are Murder - a Poppy McAllister Mystery by Libby Klein from Kensington Publishers and its available December 1st, 2020!

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